Yesterday morning I was fetching my sisses to tuition class. I decided to use the same old alley like I always did? Stupid reason. Mom warned me about the cons of using the alley like a thousand times because the alley is quite narrow. but guess what? Fallen on deaf ears. And paid the price. Kinda.
So this is how it all happened.

Apparently, a bastard's car was parked right at the junction and as a result blocked me from noticing an another car coming out from the alley. When I finally saw the car ( almost a bastard) my car was halfway into the alley.Being a courteous person, I reversed my car a little bit to give that freaking car some space to leave. Hell knows there was another car right behind me at that time. Mental note, always check your mirrors when reversing your car. Being a courteous person does you no good. Consequently, I rammed into that car. FUCK! WHERE IS THE BRAKE PEDAL?? (anyhow I managed to brake)
Frankly speaking, for a split second, I wished to step on the accelerator and flee. But I didn't. Like a civilised human being, I placed my car aside and check on the other car. My lucky star must be shining really brightly. NOT EVEN A SINGLE SCRATCH! Hallelujah! Amitabha! Ya Allah! WAhahahah!
Nevertheless, I apologised profusely to the owner. The owner must be in a great mood that she said "It's okay," which is not very common when someone hit your car.
Lesson : If you don't want to be called a bastard behind your back, please park your car at the right place. And please utilise your car mirrors well.